Be aware of toilet and disposal discards
There are distinct differences between septic systems and sewer systems. Unlike sewer systems of homes within city jurisdictions – systems under the public works department – septic systems are the sole responsibility of the homeowner. That’s where Ingram & Greene Paso Robles septic system pumping and inspections comes in handy.
It’s important to be aware of your home septic system and the many things that can help or hinder its performance. Don’t overload it. Over water usage can throw a septic into a tumble. If you have visiting guests that live off of a city public sewer system, chances are they have no clue that a sewer system and septic system are two different entities, requiring two different mindsets. A sewer system can handle certain things a septic system cannot. A person must be cognizant of what gets flushed down a toilet or put into a garbage disposal, regardless of the system, but many are not. For instance, a sewer system may swallow a thick wad of paper towel with nary a burp, whereas the same wad might cause a septic system to choke as if in a killing hold. The result can be disastrous, and stink to the high heavens. Some things to avoid throwing into a toilet or garbage disposal that run on a septic system are:
• Cigarette butts
• Fruit rinds
• Baby disposable diapers
• Vegetable skins
• Fabric softener sheets
• Any kind of chemicals
• Coffee grinds
• Q-tips
• Tampax or pads
• Paper towels
• Bottle caps
• Oils or grease (of any kind)
• Meat bones or scraps
“Do NOT flush diaper wipes down the toilet. These are by far the worst to put into septic systems. Even if they say “septic safe” or ” flushable.” They are not biodegradable and attach to one another, forming a huge sheet! Sewer plants that we dump at will not allow them to be dumped so therefore, we cannot pump them out of tank,” says Tammy Greene.
Anything you wouldn’t throw into an appliance run on a sewer system, you wouldn’t throw into a Paso Robles septic system. You’d be surprised what people discard via toilets and garbage disposals, though!
A good rule of thumb for your septic system is to:
• Stay aware of Paso Robles septic tank levels – too low or too high can indicate trouble.
• Stay religious about pumping your tank out as needed
• Schedule inspections and septic pumping so Ingram & Greene can be on top of that schedule for you
• California water usage is pretty substantial, due to year ‘round sunny weather; a good time for checking the system and possibly pumping is preferably before or after summer, typically the season of highest water usage
• Keep your septic system running smoothly to avoid overflow and ghastly smells
• Inform family members and guests of what not to put into toilets and garbage disposals
At Ingram & Greene, we know the septic industry field better than anyone else. We are a family owned and operated business that has been in business for over 60 years.
We offer a wide array of services, from septic and grease trap pumping, repairs and installations, city sewage hookups, hydro-jetting sewer lines, electronic tank and line locating, certification and inspections, power snake cleaning, underground utilities, and more.
For Paso Robles septic service, call Ingram & Greene at (805) 226-8170 or visit ingramandgreeneseptic.com.
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